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Autor Wątek: Predam Toyota Emina campervan, Auckland  (Przeczytany 14342 razy)

Karma: 0
Wiadomości: 3

« : Marzec 03, 2017, 07:06:47 am »

- Toyota Estima Emina X-Limited 1998
- 217xxx km
- WOF until 14 August 2017
- rego until 20 July 2017
- 4WD, automatic, petrol
- electric windows, 2x sunroof
- A/C + A/C for the sleeping area
- new tyres, spare tyre + tools
- CD radio + AUX input - play your own music
- USB charger
- 2 front seats + large bed - ideal for couple or single
- big storage space under and behind bed - you can fit a road bike inside!
- first owner as a camper
- comes with: curtains, mattress, sheet, blanket, pillow, gas stove, cutlery and dishes, chilly bin, plastic organizers, chair, table...
- engine, transmission ... everything works perfectly!
- available in Auckland
- 3950NZD / 2650Eur ONO
- call/text 022 404 8828 or martin.praznovsky[zavináč]

* IMG_20170303_185448.jpg (398.42 KB, 980x735 - wyświetlony 352 razy.)

* IMG_20170303_185412.jpg (243.65 KB, 735x980 - wyświetlony 338 razy.)

* 2016-11-06 18.20.09.jpg (363.65 KB, 980x735 - wyświetlony 339 razy.)
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