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Autor Wątek: Junior Data Quality with Czech - Varšava  (Przeczytany 20823 razy)

Karma: 0
Wiadomości: 4

« : Czerwiec 25, 2014, 03:45:18 pm »

Do firmy Docplanner se sídlem ve Varšavě hledám česky mluvícího kolegu na následující pozici:
V případě zájmu se mi ozvěte na email - tomas.adamec[zavináč]

Junior Data Quality with Czech
Workplace: Warsaw
Region Name: mazowieckie

You will:
check doctors profiles
cooperate with our on-site Sales Representatives
deal with opinions about doctors
work in Excel
deliver individually agreed monthly targets
If you:

are a compelling and efficient Excel user
can focus on details
have a "Sherlock Holmes" mind
have sense of humour
are more than fluent in Czech
Then this job may be for you!

In exchange we can offer you:
a challenging job in a young and dynamic team
being open to your ideas and initiative
learning from people who have proven successful in the Internet
budda bags and hammocks in the office Uśmiech
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