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Autor Wątek: Praca s drevom v Toronte a Vancouver  (Przeczytany 26433 razy)

Karma: -1
Wiadomości: 2

« : Kwiecień 15, 2018, 09:46:32 pm »

Hladam partnera kt  je sikovny z pracou z drevom, male opravy na nabytku a pod. Vlastne auto, mobilny, legalny  status v canade podmienkou. Viac informacii na evane66[zavináč]
« Ostatnia zmiana: Kwiecień 15, 2018, 10:51:53 pm wysłane przez David » Zapisane

Karma: 0
Wiadomości: 1

« Odpowiedz #1 : Grudzień 29, 2018, 03:57:59 pm »

My name is Zsolt Katona, married, a 44-year-old father of two children.
I live in Slovakia.
I am looking for a job maitenance.
I gained my qualification as a joiner and antique furniture restorer in
......... I have 26 years professional experience. Throughout the years
I have gained professional experience with kitchen furniture, garden
furniture, wooden interior and exterior accessories, rustic furniture
from unique wood, tables, built-in wardrobes, wooden bowls, beds
, restoration of a wide variety of antique furniture,
e.g.  traditional carriages and sleds as well as building of wooden
lightweight construction houses.
Driving licence: B. Reliability, creativity, excellent problem solving
skills, precision.
Language skills: English - Elementary, German - Elementary, Slovak -
Advanced, Czech - Advanced, Hungarian - Mother tongue
email,  artholzkatona[zavináč]
tel 00421 944316092
Pozdravom Katona
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