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« : Lipiec 02, 2014, 04:15:01 am » |
Jsem letitym pruvodcem tech,jez na chvili zabloudili,ci ztratili se,ve spletitych udalostech zivota.Hledaji cestu,ci spravny smer,a potrebuji vedet,kam se jejich zivot muze,musi,nebo i bude - dale ubirat. V kazdem z nas,je vzdy tolik vnitrni sily, a odvahy,kolik jsme si ji sami vytvorili a prisoudili.Jsou situace,ktere ovlivnit nemuzeme,maximalne dokazeme jistym zpusobem mirnit jejich dopady... Avsak vetsinu z nasich pribehu tvorime sami,a proto jejich vyvoj muzeme plne ovlivnovat,ridit,ci menit,podle toho,jak to sami citime. Nekdy vsak k tomu potrebujeme ticheho pruvodce,jez nas obcas popostrci,prohledne nasi pritomnost,vyhodnoti krok po kroku,zjisti jaka pozitiva ci dopady ma to,ci ono rozhodnuti na blizkou budoucnost,a eventuelne ukaze kudy dal. Je pro me cti pomoci nekomu v jeho slozitych udobich. Svuj DAR uzivam s pokorou. Je to ma prace,muj konicek,i me poslani.
I am a veteran wizard those temporarily lost, or lost, in the tangled events zivota.Hledaji way, or the right direction and we need to know where their life can, must, or will be - take. Within each of us is always so much inner strength, and courage, how we create it ourselves and we have attributed.Are situations that can not influence, the maximum I can in some way mitigating their impacts ... but most of our stories we create ourselves, and therefore their development can fully interact, manage, modified, depending on how they feel. Sometimes, however, we need to guide the Pacific, which our sometimes pushes, see our presence evaluate step by step, find the positives and the effects it has, or that determined the near future, and possibly show where to go. It is an honor for me to help someone in the era of complicated. If you are taking your gift with humility. It's my job, my hobby, and my mission.